Jessica How

Photographer and Designer

A native Texan who graduated from Texas A&M University with a Bachelors of Science degree in Animal Science, Jessica founded Visionary Equine in 2008 and began offering photograhy and design services through VisEq Media in 2015. Growing up around her artistic mother, who herself was an amateur photograher Jessica always had a fascination with cameras and viewing the world through a lens. When she first got a DSLR she found her passion in photographing her horses and animals and that has continued over into her career. VisEq Media provides photography and design services to the equestrian world and all of its many facets.Whether it is photographing a ranch, a wedding, or capturing the special bond between horse and rider, or photographing products in the studio or out on a commercial shoot, Jessica has a passion for anything equestrian with her photography and design

"Good design is making something intelligible and memorable. Great design is making something memorable and meaningful."

Dieter Rams

Design and Photography by VisEq Media  ©2022